May 7, 2013

Let's Play a Communication Game!

Last week, I introduced you to the Parent-Adult-Child (PAC) model developed by Eric Berne. If you watched the video, you learned a lot about how these states interact and intercept, often times leading to not so positive relational outcomes.

This week, the series continues but this time taking a look at some of the positive dynamics that exist for each of these states, which ultimately creates lots of room for creativity and individuality.

Also explored are the "games" we play in communication.
A game is a series of transactions that is complementary (reciprocal), ulterior, and proceeds towards a predictable outcome. Games are often characterized by a switch in roles of players towards the end. Games are usually played by Parent, Adult and Child ego states, and games usually have a fixed number of players; however, an individual's role can shift, and people can play multiple roles.
Berne identified dozens of games, noting that, regardless of when, where or by whom they were played, each game tended towards very similar structures in how many players or roles were involved, the rules of the game, and the game's goals.
Each game has a payoff for those playing it, such as the aim of earning sympathy, satisfaction, vindication, or some other emotion that usually reinforces the life script. The antithesis of a game, that is, the way to break it, lies in discovering how to deprive the actors of their payoff. (source)

Watch this video for a great illustration of the games we play:

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